Research Outline

Research Objective

Osaka Neighborhood Effect Research: ONER Project

While considering institutional factors such as urban and housing policies, conduct research for segregation (residential fragmentation) which is a specific form of urban fragmentation in big cities and a problem called the “neighborhood effect” (neighboring impact on personal health, education achievement and social awareness) regarding the social ties of residents.

  • Conducting an urban social survey based in Osaka.
  • Exchanging with research groups conducting neighborhood effect research projects overseas, forming international bases, joint research and disseminating overseas.


Research Plan


Constructed project site, organized related previous research literature surveys and research of overseas partners and shared awareness of problems. The English working paper series was posted on the English version site.


Planned and implemented domestic and overseas surveys, and shared data and materials among members. Held seminars with overseas partners, reviewing the methodology with international comparison.


Submitted and published journal articles overseas through working papers on the site. Held an international symposium.